6795 photos
Member since 2-Jan-10

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AddressUnited States
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Someone who enjoys being around people.
Someone who loves what a camera can do.
Someone who can pause that moment in life, for generations to cherish.

I began Photography over 2 decades ago.
Most of my work was film based. Loving film and it's unique way of capturing light, held me back forever to make a transition to digital. Eventually I made a switch and now enjoy working with it too.

~Max Sychev~

Featured Galleries & Collections
Greta&James June 14, 2019 (PA)Westfield Air Show

Recently Added
Birthdays1998-2006 (film)-photosNancy&RayP.S. Construction RoofsP.S. Copper@Y.S.Aleksey & Liubovi March 28, 2015Mark & Alisa July 17, 2010Manhattan, NY 2016

Guestbook for M.S. Photography Elegance in Photojournalism
Alla Peshkov(non-registered)
Best Christmas gift ever-received our wedding photos-Thank You
Max just wanted to tell you, you did such an amazing job with pictures!
Thank you very much for all you work. We love every single one of them!!! I can't stop looking at them, thanks a bunch.
Good job on your photos work.